Monday, December 15, 2008

Maybe Bush is right and the war isn't a total mess. I mean, now that our soldiers are over there, the Iraqis are learning to fight back.

Naturally Bush put a positive spin on it, acting proud to be the target of such an insult. "Uh, it's like going to a political rally and having people yell at you," he declared after ducking the flying footwear. "It's like driving down the street and have people not gesturing with all five fingers."

Yup, it's an honor. And Bush is proud to be the most honored president in U. S. history.

Before he was carried away, the shoe-thrower -- a journalist named Muntader al-Zaidi -- said the war was destroying Iraq, and that Bush was a dog.

"Well, that's just his opinion," the president replied before trotting off to fetch the shoes.


Anonymous said...

What a splendid conclusion -- elegant, graceful and wry. You truly are getting to be the master of the perfect last line!

dpaste said...

You gotta give W props for some good reflexes.
