You love cheap vodka. Sure, it has its side effects. You've had killer hangovers. You've slept with skanks. You have actually tasted Slim Jim.
But at the very least, haven't you learned the Russian words for, like, eight different fruit flavors?
Guess again, whitey. All those Stoli flavors that sound authentically Russian are just made-up words. They're nonsense. They take an English work and clap an umlaut on it, or tack a v on the end. Let's see, smarty, how good you are at matching the Stoli flavor with the real Russky thing.
(1) Applik
(2) Razberi
(3) Blueberi
(4) Peachik
(5) Strasberi
(6) Blakberi
(7) Cranberi
(a) Persik
(b) Klyukva
(c) Malina
(d) Klubnika
(e) Yabloko
(f) Chernika
(g) Yezhevika
1e, 2c, 3f, 4a, 5d, 6g, 7b
Why I Should Not Multitask
The other day, I was minding my business. Solstice was approaching, and I
wanted to make a meme to celebrate. I typed “Happy Solstice.” A picture was
14 hours ago
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