Nick Nolte, star of the upcoming thriller "Nine Miles Down," had to break a window and climb through it to escape a fire that caused three million dollars' damage to his Malibu home.
Is that unbelievable? Somebody hired Nick Nolte to be in a film!
A Japanese restaurant has trained monkeys to wait on their customers. The Kayabukiya tavern, just north of Tokyo, employs the two macaques to assist when the regular waiters get too busy. The macaques, called Yat-chan and Fuku-chan, are tipped by the customers with boiled soybeans.
In a related story, Taco Bell trained cats to work in some of their restaurants but they kept burying all the food.
Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is distantly related to the late Princess Diana, genealogy experts said on Wednesday. The governor of Alaska and the princess are tenth cousins, said, online genealogists based in Provo, Utah.
Actually, they do have a lot in common. They both came out of nowhere, they both wore tiaras, and they're both on the shit lists of angry queens.
Guests at the Mayfair Hotel and Spa in Coconut Grove, Florida, were awakened early Sunday morning by Lost star Michelle Rodriguez apparently having a fight with her girlfriend. Supposedly Rodriguez stood outside her room screaming, 'Open up, let me in, b------!'" but finally got in after threatening, "If you don't open up, you're not getting your [pleasure toy] back!"
Coincidentally, that's the exact same line Ashley Olsen uses to get Mary Kate to eat.
The Days of Anna Madrigal
If I don’t start dictating this thing now I never will. This is a book
report about the The Days of Anna Madrigal, the last book in the Tales of
the City c...
16 hours ago
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