11:11:51 AM EST System
Thank you for contacting eBay Live Help!
11:13:51 AM EST System
Tabatha has joined this session!
11:15:51 AM EST System
Connected with Tabatha
11:16:51 AM EST Tabatha
Hello, thanks for waiting and welcome to eBay Live Help! My name is Tabatha. How may I help you?
11:18:52 AM EST RomanHans
I've been trying to find an actual human to speak to regarding a complaint. eBay ended my auction incorrectly, and it took two days to get an explanation that addressed the care and feeding of chickens more than the actual facts.
11:19:12 AM EST Tabatha
For the fastest way to reach us, use the "Contact us" option located at the top of our home page. After clicking the link, enter your question or the problem you're having. Then on the right side of the page, you'll see an option for phone support if it's available for your specific issue. If it isn't, you'll have the option to email us from that page.
11:19:38 AM EST Tabatha
You can also go directly to this link to contact us : https://cschatlb-na.corp.ebay.com/chat.asp?profile=15
11:20:04 AM EST RomanHans
I typed in my problem, but wasn't offered a FAQ topic close to "Ebay ended my auction incorrectly and then sent me an email that showed they didn't even READ my complaint." And there was no option for phone support.
11:22:10 AM EST Tabatha
If you are not able to see phone super then that means that your concern doesn't offer phone support.
11:22:31 AM EST RomanHans
Okay. New question: why is your Customer Service a recording that directs people to a nonexistent link?
11:24:17 AM EST Tabatha
I餠like to make sure that I鶥 fully understood your question/concern. Could you please elaborate on your last message?
11:25:17 AM EST RomanHans
Call eBay at 800-322-9266, and press 2 for customer support. The recording will say "Go to the main eBay page and click on 'Live Chat' in the top right corner'," and then hang up on you. Uh, there's no "Live Chat" button on the main eBay page.
11:26:50 AM EST Tabatha
Since you are no longer able to see the "Live Help" button in the eBay home page, then you can go directly the link I provided above.
11:27:14 AM EST RomanHans
*I* am no longer able to see the button? You mean YOU can?
11:28:16 AM EST Tabatha
the "Live Help" button has been removed on the eBay Home page. To get in touch with us, please go through the "Contact Us" link.
11:29:17 AM EST RomanHans
The "Contact Us" link just makes me type in my complaint again. Which you couldn't answer the first time around. So, no phone support: just recordings. Which direct you to a chat button that doesn't exist.
11:30:16 AM EST Tabatha
I am sorry for the inconvenience. To contact us , please go to this link directly: https://cschatlb-na.corp.ebay.com/chat.asp?profile=15
11:32:01 AM EST RomanHans
So a person has to Google to find eBay Live Chat, who will then offer a link to themselves. I'm going to post this conversation on my blog. Is that okay?
11:33:15 AM EST Tabatha
I do respect that.
11:33:28 AM EST RomanHans
Great. Thanks!
11:34:01 AM EST Tabatha
At this point, would there be anything else I can help you with?
11:34:39 AM EST RomanHans
Have you helped me with anything YET?
Fifteen Minutes
Andy Warhol is quoted as saying that “in the future, everyone will be
famous for fifteen minutes.” This has become a popular saying. If a
celebrity is gett...
2 hours ago
1 comment:
Are there some kind of annual awards for "Worst Customer 'Service'"? If so, save this ... if not, consider starting one. You could be the Mr. Blackwell of the Web.
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