Monday, March 29, 2010

Archbishop Timothy Dolan, speaking at Palm Sunday mass about the church's history of child-molestation:

All we ask is that it be fair, and that the Catholic Church not be singled-out for a horror that has cursed every culture, religion, organization, institution, school, agency, and family in the world.

The Catholic Church: Hey, We're Not As Bad As NAMBLA!™


spot said...

Yah, right, the Catholics are just like everyone else in the world. Which is why they think their Pope is God's representative on earth, and the only one, so you better listen to him OR ELSE.

Just think about the extremity of self-righteousness and judgment that created the Spanish Inquisition. Sure, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, but that's just because it's hard to believe anybody could that big a prick!

At least, it's hard to believe unless a catholic priest (or bishop or cardinal) has actually showed you his giant prick and demanded that you suck on it in the confessional after you've made it throb with your list of sins.

UGH! Those assholes deserve every bit of this "scandal" and MORE.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church has always justified its actions by comparing themselves to greater evils. In fact, Jesus himself said, "I may not be perfect, but at least I ain't no Jim Belushi!"
