Wow, the L. A. Times is a little petty today, spelling out what everybody already knows. Thirty-one -- count'em, thirty-one -- photos of "celebrities attacked by wind," with bitchy headlines like "Carrie, this is what hair looks like on a windy day!" and "How come the wind ain't blowin' these shirts off, ya dope?"
Worst photo? #6. I wish the wind had blown Ashton Kutcher's beard off and shirt closed.
Best caption? #19.
Somewhere on the patio at Citronella there's an editor drinking white wine and telling her boss, "Don't worry -- my intern's writing it."
Why I Should Not Multitask
The other day, I was minding my business. Solstice was approaching, and I
wanted to make a meme to celebrate. I typed “Happy Solstice.” A picture was
14 hours ago
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