Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Half Full or Half Empty, It's Still a Better Cup

PHOENIX — Former pro baseball player Mark Littell has invented a better way to protect himself, and he's showing it to millions on YouTube. Clad in a t-shirt, underwear and his "Nutty Buddy," Littell is shot head-on with a fastball to the groin. He emerges with a smile.

Littell got the idea when he worked as a pitching coordinator. "I asked my pitchers, how many of you guys don't wear cups? And half of them raised their hands."

The Nutty Buddy

Littell recommends the device for baseball players, soccer players, and anybody who checks out an athlete's pants and then asks what he's got in there.


M.W. Nolden said...

Did that guy at the end actually say "Testeclees"?

How do you manage to find these things?

RomanHans said...

You know how Hercules holds up the globe? Testeclees holds up two.
