The first rule of fiction is to set high stakes. "The Golden Compass" opens with a boy being kidnapped and forced to write a letter home.
This isn't torture: it's summer camp. What, next they'll make him glue macaroni to a board?
The movie, then, becomes less a drama than a series of errands to be run. You get two minutes of Daniel Craig -- sitting at a dinner table, then at a desk. Six minutes of Nicole Kidman -- when you'll wonder what the hell happened to her. Like she took a picture of Michael Jackson to her plastic surgeon and said, "Give me some of that!" The voices of Ian McKellan, Ian McShane, and Kathy Bates -- which make you sad they didn't sign on to a real movie.
Save ninety minutes of your life and read this condensed version instead.
LYRA is a poor but tough British girl, meaning by the end we'll find out she's really a wayward princess. Judging by her accent, her societal status lurches between a Cockney and Madonna. Her best friend is named Roger, even though there are no Rogers in England because it's like naming an American kid "Buttfuck."
LYRA: Roger, I promise if anybody ever kidnaps you, I will rescue you.
ROGER: Gosh, Lyra, you're my absolute bestest -- ULP!
LYRA: Roger? Roger?
Forgetting all about him, LYRA sneaks into a castle where she meets her uncle, DANIEL CRAIG. After someone tries to poison him they decide to stay for dinner, presumably because the food looks really good. LYRA sits across from NICOLE KIDMAN.
NICOLE KIDMAN: Hello, little girl! I'm going on a trip. You want to come?
LYRA: Sure! I trust you completely even though your dress is transparent and you can't move your face.
WIZENED OLD MAN: You know, little girl, there's only one Golden Compass still in existence. It knows all the mysteries of the universe, and will answer any question you ask. You want it?
LYRA: Yeah, sure!
At NICOLE's house, while they prepare for voyage, the Golden Compass tells LYRA that something's wrong. She rummages through the trash and finds a crumpled piece of paper that seems to confirm its warning: "I'M THE ONE WHO'S BEEN KIDNAPPING ALL THE KIDS," the paper reads. "SIGNED, NICOLE KIDMAN." LYRA flees and encounters a friendly WITCH.
WITCH: The prophecies have long foretold a special little girl who will change the course of history, and methinks you're her! Prove it to me: use that Golden Compass to describe the last guy I boffed.
LYRA: Sure. (Spins Golden Compass.) I see butt-ugly.
WITCH: You are the enchanted one! But hey, he used to be hot. If you ever need me in the future, I will race to your assist! Not including the forthcoming bridge collapse.
Next LYRA runs into the COWBOY.
COWBOY: Hello, little girl! Want to see my enormous zeppelin? Look at how big and swollen it is, and how it lurches about. I'm old and unshaven and slightly creepy, but I can follow you around if you want. Wait! Don't go! At least go ask the Coca-Cola bear if he'll accompany you on your journey.
LYRA runs off to find the bear.
COCA-COLA BEAR: Hello, little girl! I should be the Bear King, but I was tricked out of my rightful throne so now I make documentaries about global warming. I mean -- now I'm an alcoholic. I'd like to help you on your journey, but I can't even find my armor!
LYRA: (Spins the Golden Compass.) It's over there.
CCB: Oh. Whaddaya know?
The bear gets his armor back and accompanies LYRA. They run into a narrow ice bridge that spans a mile-deep crevass, but it cracks under their feet.
CCB: You go first. I mean, because my weight would probably break it.
LYRA is halfway across the bridge when it snaps. She scurries across the disintegrating ice cubes to the other side.
CCB: Don't worry! I'll find another way to get across that'll make everyone wonder why we didn't just go that way in the first place.
LYRA: I don't know where we're going and I'll freeze to death if I get lost but I think I'll wander on ahead.
LYRA finds the bear kingdom, then CCB reappears. He fights the king to regain the throne. LYRA watches in horror while everybody in the audience wonders why she doesn't use the Golden Compass to see how it ends. CCB wins.
CCB: I win, so I'm king now! Hurrah! Okay, what else do you wanna do?
LYRA: We have to find Buttfu-- I mean, Roger.
LYRA pulls out the Golden Compass and sees Roger is nearby. She rescues him, but then the bad guys literally appear out of nowhere. Just when things look bad, everybody she's met in the last eighty-nine minutes shows up. The COWBOY. The WITCHES. A wandering troupe of GYPSIES. In fact, everybody short of the VILLAGE PEOPLE and the TRAVELOCITY GNOME.
They fight. It's like all the characters from SHREK suddenly turning into ninjas. The good guys win. Everybody hugs.
ROGER: Okay, what should we do now?
LYRA: Gosh, there's so much! We have to save DANIEL CRAIG! He's in horrible danger, and I'm not just talking career. There's a parallel universe that the bad guys will destroy if -- Wait, ninety minutes is up and everybody in the audience is asleep, so let's talk about this in the sequel.
ROGER: Oh. Okay!
Cue LYRA'S THEME by Kate Bush to sum up exactly what we've seen:
Your heart, it burns like fire-a.
This song is really dire-a.
The plural of "papyrus" is "papyra."
Fifteen Minutes
Andy Warhol is quoted as saying that “in the future, everyone will be
famous for fifteen minutes.” This has become a popular saying. If a
celebrity is gett...
2 hours ago
You know, while I've been reading your blog regularly for a while now and usually find it pretty funny, this is definitely the first post that has made me actually spit out food. Great work.
You're right, the movie is crap. However, the books really are fun, and Lyra doesn't turn out to be a princess. She gets a higher rank than ANY princess.
Her last few lines could have been lifted straight from the end of The Wizard of OZ, with only the names changed.
I was seriously disappointed.
Anon, Ford and I share the same motto. "Quality: Something to Shoot for, But Damned if We Don't Usually Miss."
Riot, "Golden Compass" was really Wizard-of-Ozzy, wasn't it? I started to wonder what made that film good. Munchkins? Music? Flying monkeys? Whatever it was, it's missing from "Golden Compass."
... But I have to go see it anyway, because it has got the Catholic Church's knickers in a twist, and anything that upsets the religious establishment is usually worthwhile for that if nothing else.
Haven't seen The Golden Compass yet, but I suspect The Wizard of OZ was better because, because, because, because, because ~ there was no CGI to fall back on (meaning everyone was acting on a beautifully designed, real set & not a green screen) & the actors were all great.
Of course the Munchkins, music, & flying monkeys were a real bonus.
ok, you got me with the Travelocity gnome. And old Sam with his huge zeppelin.
But you're a little harsh with Nicole. She's SUPPOSED to be cold and unreal and not quite human, so it's her acting, right?
The books aren't bad though. Better than the Potter books, I thought.
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