A New Zealand woman was hospitalized after a cafe mistakenly served her dishwashing liquid instead of wine.
Sarah Ferguson ordered a glass of "Mountain Thunder" mulled wine from Queenstown's Old Man Rock Cafe, but spat it out when her lips and mouth started to burn. It was discovered later that the wine container had inadvertently been filled with dishwashing detergent.
Ms. Ferguson wanted to sue but before the police arrived her glass washed itself.
A 92-year-old British woman has become the world's oldest partially sighted abseiler.
Abseiling is the process of descending by rope used in rock climbing and mountaineering.
Eve Mobbs abseiled down the outside of a multi-story car park. She confessed to some last-minute nerves as she climbed onto the railing to start her descent, but afterwards declared it was "fantastic."
Though her seeing-eye dog was treated for abrased paws.
A California man has trained his pet goldfish to play football.
Dr. Dean Pomerleau, 41, from Los Angeles, used a technique called positive reinforcement to train two-year-old goldfish Comet to play various sports. Positive reinforcement means the fish is rewarded with food when it successfully completes a task. "There is mounting evidence that fish are more intelligent than people give them credit for," he declared.
Dr. Pomerleau also said he has no particular plans for the fish, which on Sunday beat Notre Dame by a score of 12-2.
Common Sense Quote
This is a repost from 2022. … 0312 – We’re going to conduct a facebook
experiment. I posted a video from Dr. John Campbell. He discussed some
reputed side ...
12 hours ago
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