I can't wait to see the newest Woody Allen film, To Rome With Love. It sounds unlike anything he's ever done. Lots of rich white people with piddling little problems? Laugh riot! A milquetoasty married guy who realizes he's too good for his ball-and-chain wife? Brilliant! A gorgeous whore who loves being subservient to unattractive men? Genius!
The crème de la crème, though, sounds like the funeral director who's an amazing singer -- but only in the shower! Is that hysterical? He actually takes to the opera circuit in a portable tub. You don't need to brave the cineplex to see that inspired bit, though: thanks to your friends at World Class Stupid, here's an exclusive sneak peek.
Fifteen Minutes
Andy Warhol is quoted as saying that “in the future, everyone will be
famous for fifteen minutes.” This has become a popular saying. If a
celebrity is gett...
Thank You
Self-Portrait in the window of F.W. Sweny & Co. Ltd, Dispensing Chemists, 1
Lincoln Place, Merrion Square, Bloomsday, June 16, 2018, Dublin My deepest
A thousand thank yous... that made my day!
I have it on good authority Woody's next film will have dinosaurs that do household chores and a flying, wisecracking Martian.
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