[Hillary Clinton is] a really sarcastic woman. To sum up -- and I'll tell you the other thing: She's an incompetent woman. And I've seen it. She's an incompetent woman.-- Donald Trump to CNN
Fifteen Minutes
Andy Warhol is quoted as saying that “in the future, everyone will be
famous for fifteen minutes.” This has become a popular saying. If a
celebrity is gett...
2 hours ago
Well, they say if you're adding a new word to your vocabulary, you should use it ten times the first day. Only seven to go for Donald. Presumably "woman" will be more voter-friendly than his current terms of "cow" "fat pig" "slut" and "bimbo."
REGULAR PERSON: [Hillary Clinton is] really sarcastic. To sum up -- and I'll tell you the other thing: She's incompetent. And I've seen it. She's incompetent.
Trump uses the word "woman" so often it sounds like part of the slur. Here are some other Trump insults:
"[Rick Perry] put on glasses so people will think he's smart."
"[Lawrence O'Donnell] is a fool!”
"[John McCain] graduated last in his class at Annapolis -- dummy!”
Notice what's missing? The word "man."
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