Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Last night some talk show host praised Obama, and it got me nostalgic. Sure, maybe he hasn't been a great president, but he hasn't been too bad, right? We expected a lot, and we were pissed off when we didn't get it.

Rather than compare him to perfection, I thought, maybe we should grade him on a curve -- because honestly, there are some real idiots out there. Did Obama tell us we shouldn't masturbate? Did he hold an African-American convention and hire Michelle "Bombshell" McGee to speak? Did he applaud wildly as Malia played a deer in headlights on Dancing With the Stars?

It's like criticizing George Clooney for looking dumb on The Facts of Life.

The thing is, President Obama's missteps get magnified because he's the dude in charge. He has the Democrat reputation in his hands. When he says something stupid, it gets under our skin.

Now, I am also the commander in chief of an armed forces that is in the midst of one war and wrapping up another one. So I don't think it's too much to ask, to say "Let's do this in an orderly way" — to ensure, by the way, that gays and lesbians who are serving honorably in our armed forces aren't subject to harassment and bullying and a whole bunch of other stuff once we implement the policy.

That's the excuse Obama gave to Rolling Stone for not repealing DADT.

When I read this, I tried to grade it on a curve. I tried. But to me, something is either true or it isn't. There's no gray area. Saying penguins live on the North Pole isn't any smarter than saying they take their tuxedos off at night.

Clearly, this explanation is ridiculous. Obama doesn't want gays to be harassed or bullied. Then why do gay kids go to school?

In the end, neither party comes through. Same result, different motivation. I ask myself: Would the bus driver have gotten off the hook if he'd told Rosa Parks the seats were stuffed with goose feathers in back?

And then I circle back to my original decision.

Fuck them all. Fuck us. When everybody lies, all that matters is how well we dance.

Now pardon me; it's time for my Cha-Cha.

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