Friday, October 30, 2009

Fundamentalist Christians in Maine have announced plans to circle some of the state's building for an hour this Sunday to implore God to fix stuff.
God is judging His people by giving us bad rulers. We have been apathetic and lazy, and have removed ourselves from making an impact on our culture for Christ. We have the leaders we deserve.

Our problem is not gay rights, gay marriage or abortion. These things are consequences of our own “wicked ways”. We have abandoned our nation by not working to ensure the civil government has rightwous [sic] laws. As we’ve abdicated, evil has come to fill the void. God’s people is reaping now what we’ve sown over the past fifty years.

The good news is God is in the business of fixing broken things. God can heal broken hearts, and He has promised to heal our land.

We’re asking God’s people all across the state of Maine to stop what they’re doing for one hour this Lord’s day, from 3:31PM-4:31PM, the last hour of daylight, and humble themselves, pray and seek His face.
Okay. Well, according to the logo, it's 3:29 to 4:29. Dammit, I hate disorganized people, even when they're Christian. I don't want to get there at 3:29 and stand around looking all stupid waiting for everybody else to show up.
If you’d like together [sic] with other believers, we will be meeting to join hands to encircle all physical representations of the civil magistrate, including the major civic centers, city and town halls, and courthouses across the state.Now, personally, I'm thinking they should start by asking God to fix something small. Maybe encircle a computer that runs Windows Vista. Still, you've got to admire their ambition. If you're like-minded and you're in the neighborhood, think about dropping by here:

Just as an aside, though, if you're going to awaken the homosexual community, do it with a cinnamon latté.

Me, I'll be praying with these guys:

And I hope you'll join me. It's gonna take a ton of faithful to battle the evil known as Enchirito.

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